Riverview Health

Knee-Deep in Pain? When to See Your Doctor

Chronic knee pain is a common issue, especially as we age. But what causes it, and what can we do about it? As with many medical issues, it depends on your unique body. The important thing is to talk to your doctor at Riverview Health when the pain starts to interfere with your regular activities, even if you’re still able to “tough it out.” Trying to ignore the pain may make the problem worse, making it harder to treat later.

Here are five common conditions that could be causing you trouble:

Osteoarthritis: A common form of arthritis in which weakened joint cartilage causes bones to rub together.

  • Symptoms: Pain, which often increases with activity and gets a little better with rest. Stiffness in the knee is often worse in the morning or after inactivity.
  • Possible treatments: A first course of treatment usually involves over-the-counter or prescription medications. In severe cases, joint replacement surgery may be necessary.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: A disease in which your body’s own immune system attacks joint tissue, including knee cartilage.

  • Symptoms: Pain and stiffness, which are often worse in the morning, after inactivity or when it’s cold.
  • Possible treatments: Anti-inflammatory medication, steroid injections and other prescription drugs may delay progression of the disease or help control symptoms.

Pseudogout: A type of arthritis where your body forms calcium phosphate crystals that collect in the joints.

  • Symptoms: Sudden, severe pain. There may also be swelling and severe tenderness, as well as red or purple discoloration.
  • Possible treatments: You may receive anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen to reduce pain or swelling, or prescription drugs or steroid injections.

Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursa, a small lubricating sac that acts as a cushion between a bone and soft tissue.

  • Symptoms: Swelling, stiffness and tenderness with mild pain, especially when kneeling or walking.
  • Possible treatments: You can often treat bursitis with rest, ice and anti-inflammatory medications. If swelling is severe, your health care provider may remove excess fluid from the bursa. If infected, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Tendonitis: Your knee tendon becomes inflamed or irritated due to overuse.

  • Symptoms: Pain and tenderness at the bottom of your kneecap, which may get worse when kneeling or standing up from a crouch.
  • Possible treatments: If tendonitis doesn’t improve on its own, your health care provider may prescribe steroid injections, physical therapy or surgery.

Once you know what’s causing your pain and what your options are, you can prepare for treatment. Did you know you can help improve your body’s healing powers by getting in better shape? Try eating a more nutritious diet, getting more exercise and quitting smoking. Focus on upper body exercises to give your knees a break and help reduce any arm soreness you may have from using crutches or a walker during recovery. If you’re going to be off your feet for a while, find a helper who can check in on you and run errands while you heal.

Remember: You don’t have to live with knee pain. Your health care provider at Riverview Health can help you overcome the pain and get back to an active, enjoyable life.

Ready to meet with one of our orthopedic and sports medicine doctors? Call us at 317.565.0505 to request an appointment.

Sources: AAOS.org, FamilyDoctor.org, MedlinePlus.gov

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