Riverview Health

Topic: Spine Treatments

Get Relief From Spinal Pain with Herniated Disc Surgery

Herniated disc surgery, or discectomy or disc removal, is a type of back or neck surgery. Spinal discs are located between each vertebra in your spine and act as cushions for protection.

New Treatments for Sciatica

Have you told people your back is “killing you?” A back condition, such as a herniated disc or a pinched nerve, can be quite painful.

Regain Mobility and Comfort with Neck & Back Surgery

Back or neck surgery, also called spine surgery, can be an effective treatment for sciatica or related symptoms.

Restoring Your Back with Spinal Fusion

Spinal fusion is a back or neck surgery that’s also known as arthrodesis or vertebral interbody fusion. This treatment stops movement between two vertebrae in the back or neck by joining them together in patients with spinal instability.